Exploring the Future of AI with a Computer Science Teacher: Insights and Perspectives on the Intersection of Technology and Education

Mr. Popstefanja’s Approach to Teaching AI and Preparing Students for the Future of Work


Erin Shin

We will be exploring Mr. Popstefanja (aka. Mr. P), a computer science teacher, who is passionate about the intersection of AI and education, particularly in Chat GPT. As the field of AI continues to rapidly evolve, it becomes increasingly important for teachers to know how to deal with ChatGPT.

Throughout our interview, we explored the role of ChatGPT in education and the various way even in how it should be taught in the classroom cooperating with AI. We discussed the challenges and opportunities presented by the AI tool ChatGPT, and the ways in which it can be used to solve problems regarding plagiarism. Mr. P shared his insights and perspectives on the future of ChatGPT, and how teachers can possibly best prepare for their students from his perspective. Join us as we delve into the world of AI with this passionate and knowledgeable computer science teacher.

To start with, there were two sets of interview questions (one written by myself and one written by AI), and Mr. P was needed to guess which set of questions were written by a human and which set was written by ChatGPT. Despite some minor differences in wording and sentence structure, the two sets of questions were quite similar. Mr. P tempted to guess which set of questions was written by a human and which was written by AI; however, he incorrectly guessed that the first set was written by AI.

In addition, Mr. P mentioned that he did not have any challenges or experiences yet with students using ChaptGPT for their work. He highlighted the need to provide project-based learning experiences for students in order to help them understand the code in Intro to Coding Class. If the assignments would just writing codes, he said there will be a huge possibility of students copying and pasting their work from other websites like Github. 

Mr. P said, “Regularly checking on students’ progress on their projects can help him to identify if students are struggling with coding projects and may be tempted to search up for the finalized code.” He also emphasized the importance of students knowing that ChatGPT is clear plagiarism. Mr. P shared examples of how he is planning to incorporate AI(Chat GPT) into his classes even including his IB courses. He believes that students should have a solid understanding of coding to use Chat GPT and moral ethics. At the same time, he already thinks upper school students will have a deep understanding of AI and plagiarism and that students will not be using AI for their assignments. 

Overall, we discussed the importance of education for teachers with the collaboration of ChatGPT. He believes we can not always ban and get apart from AI, as technology is improving rapidly. Mr. P emphasized the value of AI in as it is helping the students to understand within more detail and accurate information. As Mr. P teaches and uses AI, he can interact with students to gain a deeper understanding of the knowledge of computer science. 

As my interview with Mr. P came to a close, I was struck by his passion and expertise in the field of AI. It was a fascinating interview that shed light on the exciting opportunities and challenges presented by ChatGPT in ISP, and the important work that should be done in classrooms for the students.